Healing Treatments

Aoife offers in a range of therapies to help with chronic pain, with healing injuries both old recent. Aoife has been a professional bodywork practitioner since 2001 and has trained in a range of therapies including Advanced Clinical Massage specialising in myofascia release (MFR) which allows MFR unwinding. Aoife also has Diplomas in Advanced Reflexology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.

Consultation Form

Aoife will send you a consultation form prior to your session. It will take a detailed medical history, which will include looking at your lifestyle, as it is essential that a suitable and effective treatment plan is created. This is particularly important if you suffer from pain or any structural disorder. Throughout the initial consultation Aoife will evaluate your range of motion (mobility), your pain condition and assess any MRI scans or X-rays that you may have.

  • The severity of your condition will determine the number of sessions needed to reduce or eliminate pain and improve mobility. 

Advanced Clinical Massage

Advanced clinical massage therapy creatively combines and applies a range of advanced techniques including: 

  • Hydrotherapy, myofascia release, trigger point therapy.

  • Acupressure points, soft tissue release, sports stretches.

  • Amma fusion eastern style techniques.

50 minutes - € 65 / £ 70

75 minutes - € 95 / £ 100

Myofascia Release

What is Myofascia release?

The fascia of the body is the tough connective tissue that holds our physical tissues together. In layman’s terms, if you eat meat, the fascia is the tough white membrane that surrounds the juicy bits you are trying to eat. Fascia has been described as a 3-dimensional body stocking that envelopes each and every structure of the body.

50 minutes - € 65 / £ 70

75 minutes - € 95 / £ 100


Reflexology is not a beauty therapy or a foot massage. It is a clinical treatment with proven results that works throughout the whole body. Reflexology is based on the principles of zone and pressure therapy and the idea that the hands and feet are connected systematically to the vital organs and glands of the body. 

50 minutes - € 60 / £ 65


Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by laying on hands and is based on the idea that the life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

50 minutes - € 55 / £ 60

Structural Integration

Structural Integration is a new and ingenious treatment derived from Ida Rolf’s ‘Rolfing’.  This treatment doesn’t look at specific problems, pain or pathologies but instead works by realigning your whole body from head to toe. 

75 minutes - € 90 / £ 100

Dearest Aoife, meeting you has touched me deeply. You have helped me find a large missing puzzle piece on my path back to health. Where tissue massages have only provided temporary relief, your fascia techniques have moved me forward. From the first moment your treatments felt intuitively right.
— Much love and thanks. Eva

Thank you again for the amazing myofascial therapy you carried out on my shoulder. It really has given me most of my mobility back. Muito Obrigada.
— Susan

Thank you for the most amazing treatments. You certainly give the best Bliss Massage in the whole of Juicy Oasis. I am certainly going home feeling very pampered and relaxed. It has all been such a treat.
— Tracy