Advanced clinical massage
Advanced Clinical Massage is a truly varied mix of efficient, effective and powerful clinical soft tissue techniques and is the most up-to-date soft tissue training presently available in the UK. Delivered with a true listening touch, it has a good success rate at reducing clients from muscular-skeletal pain that moves them towards having a more functional and pain-free structure body, while increasing their range of motion.Using these techniques can help:
chronic pain conditions
may help avoid painful surgery
increase recovery time in post-operative patients
all scar tissue, for example after cesareans which may eventually lead to lower back pain, fibromyalgia and life trauma.
Aoife is a specialist in this type of treatment having undertaken years of advanced training in the UK and finds these techniques very powerful and healing with a good success rate.
Ideally, between one and six weekly clinical sessions would be needed to get initial results, eventually decreasing the time between sessions and moving to monthly maintenance sessions.
To treat pain issues there is, obviously, a certain level of commitment involved from both therapist and client to get lasting worthwhile results.
55 minutes - 50 Eur
75 minutes - 60 Eur
90 minutes - 70 Eur